Friday, January 16, 2009


OK, here's the latest news, as of just a few hours ago, on the ICC visa situation.

After a few days of redoing medical checkups and waiting for those results and getting together all the documentation that the Consulate was asking for, our leaders in India went back to the Consulate to meet with the official once again.

After a long interview, the official there decided to refer our case to the State Department and wait on their recommendation before making a decision to issue our visas or not.

What does that mean? Looks like more of the waiting game. The Consulate, as well as the State Department, is closed on Saturday and Sunday, and Monday is a holiday. That means it will be at least Tuesday before our case even gets looked at again.

We are still hoping and praying that God will work in this situation, and that most of all, His name would be lifted up. And we would appreciate if you would do the same.

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